We discovered a couple of months back that Caden's a blanket baby. He never really took to a pacifier, and didn't stay interested in his thumbs for too long. But he loves him a good snuggle with a blanket. Tonight I went in to check on him around 10, and I just had to get a picture of the way he was cuddled with his blanket. He HAS to have it tucked under one or between both arms, and since my mom got him a seahorse that plays music and bubble noises, he has to be touching that too. I find it hysterically ironic, given everything, that his favorite blanket is his feet blanket.
Sweetest dreams, Nugget...
We were kind of spontaneous on Wednesday and decided after Caden woke up from his after-therapy nap to go to the zoo. We packed up, headed down. He wasn't too impressed with the bigger animals, the open-enclosure type, because he couldn't really see 'em or understand what he WAS seeing when he did. But he loved the smaller critters. He squealed and scared a porcupine. Loved the leaves in the Madagascar hut. He liked the up close and personal encounter with the giraffe. One was in the barn and we walked in to say hi. His eyes kind of scanned up its legs and then he leaned back to look at the rest of it and his eyes got HUGE. So cute. His hair was also way spiky that day, and you can really see it against the backlight on the fence (picture enlarges when clickied).
We left about 5 ish, maybe 5:30 and realized we'd need gas before going home, so we stopped at a Sinclair in downtown Salt Lake. We filled up, I went in to buy some drinks, and when I came out Branden goes "You're going to love this," gets into the car, turns the key ... and nothing. Totally dead. It's near 100 degrees and Caden's asleep in his car seat in the backseat. Splendid. So in a "oh please oh please have left work late" frenzy, I call my sister. Aunt Sessie and her primo Nissan to the rescue - she was close enough that she flipped a u-ie and came back to meet us. We used her car to jump our (took us about 20 min to get enough of a charge though) and then she followed us home. Who knew a trip to the zoo really would turn out to be a zoo? In the 10 minute drive from the zoo to the gas station, the battery had totally died. Bless Nugget though, he was so patient. Didn't know what the heck was going on, didn't know why we were out playin' in the heat on a street corner but he enjoyed looking at the cars in the intersection and he got to spit-wash his Aunt Sessie's sunglasses, so what wasn't to like about the day?
We put Caden in his bouncer this afternoon....and he would NOT stop bouncing. He just kept going, right in time with the music of the bouncer. I only captured a few seconds of what went on for literally 7 minutes straight.
We've discovered a few things about our Nugget. He's cute when his hair is spiky. He's way cute in stripes. And he's cute-coma inducing when he's in bib overalls. What do you get when you put all 3 together on the same day? Behold:
Blowing raspberries at the camera: