We've been really really lucky since Caden was born, and he's only had 1 cold since December. Well his luck wore out this week :( Last Monday night he was kinda grump, and Tuesday morning he woke up at about midnight with a fever of close to 101, had a horrible nasty diaper, and was all around just discontent. All that day he kept having nasty diapers, I couldn't keep his fever down, and he was completely uninterested in solids OR his bottles. Took him to his pediatrician and they're culturing for crypto, giardia (or however that's spelled) and rotovirus. Well the diarrhea kept on but by Friday he was KIND of acting better, his fever broke, and he was a little more interested in food. But he's gone back downhill now. The fever's back, the diarrhea's back, and now tonight he threw up twice and I had to force him to take his post-bath bottle, something he NEVER doesn't want. And his little bum is just so raw from it all, the diaper rash is horrible and it hurts him to sit for too long.
Dad and Aaron (thank you!) came over tonight to give him a blessing and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. I'll be calling the pediatrician again tomorrow regardless because after his bath tonight I noticed that his little fontanel is starting to get a little concave, beginnings of dehydration methinks. What a week to fall ill :( If he doesn't vastly improve by Tuesday, I'm going to have to call off camping with the family up at the cabin this weekend and stay home alone with him. No WAY would I be taking him up to the Uintas while he's like this. Poor Nugget. Get better soon, love!
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