Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bouncy mattress + hilarious 8 month old =

...this. Last night I'd undressed him in preparation for bath time and had him in his crib. Well he discovered that his mattress is both soft and bouncy. He can sit up mostly on his own and now only tips backwards when he wants to. And he wanted to. Every time I sat him up, he'd flop backwards, bounce as he hit, and then laugh. Dunno if you can see it in the video (you can on the camera cause it's a little less grainy) but he's got little ab lines on his tummy from hoistin the casts and now his bar around. My kid is ripped! (and I'm kinda jealous!)


Heidi said...

That is the best sound in the world. He is so cute. How funny how he would fall back on purpose! Cute! Heidi

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

What a cutie! Love that little laugh!

sellyroo said...

LOVE IT!!! He's SOO happy!