Monday, August 9, 2010

New 'wheels'

Not a very fun day for mommy and baby today. For about 2 weeks I've been noticing that Caden was walking on the balls of his feet, instead of his heels coming all the way to the floor. I wondered if that meant a relapse in his clubfeet (which is possible with his Arthrogryposis alongside the clubfeet), so I called his care coordinator at Shriners last Thursday. They wanted to see him as soon as they could, so they made us an appointment for this morning. So me and my mom and Nugget drove down and sure enough, x-rays revealed that it's not just his tendons and muscles that are tight, but his heel bone is no longer where it should be, it's slid up again a bit. Really aggressive therapy just wasn't going to be enough, so they had to put him back in casts. Luckily for us both, they're not the hip-to-toe casts that his initial castings were because they're not trying to correct recurvature of his feet, just trying to stretch his Achilles back out. They also said the reason that he's walking on the balls of his feet is because of his Arthrogryposis - his legs don't straighten so with his knees contracted like they are (albeit not as severe as they could be), the only way for him to find balance in that 'hunchback' position was to pop his heel up and walk on the balls of his feet. He might need some AFO's to correct that after he's out of these casts, but they'll make that determination in 2 weeks when the casts come off.
For viewing pleasure, here's my hero already figuring out how to walk around the house in his casts without holding my hand, not 2 hours after he was casted. I love my man:


Becki said...

Holy Moly. Poor kiddo. Let me know what I can do for baby - toys, Thomas the Tank Engine movies. Or what I can do for Mom. Diet Coke, Brad Pitt movies... you need it? You got it!!

Good luck, little kiddo.

Chels said...

"Hero" is right. Your's and mine. You're going to have one tough kid. (One tough mommy too I bet!) What a trooper. Good luck with everything.