Saturday, February 12, 2011

Unintentional movie night

Caden's love of trains has taken the back burner while he nurses a newfound obsession with cars. Anything cars. Not just what we think of as a 'car', we're talking anything with wheels and a fender or is otherwise generally cozily snuggled under the "vehicle" umbrella. Knowing this, Branden and I decided to see if we could feed this passion and tonight, after he woke up from his nap, we went to Best Buy and picked up this movie:

Disney Pixar's "Cars". We picked up some take-out and got home about 6:45. We figured we'd pop in the movie, see if he liked it. Yeah. 'Like' is a bit of a colossal understatement. We ended up eating dinner on the floor (because we unwisely popped in the movie before we had the take-out set out and ready to go) because he could not take his eyes off the screen. I wound up feeding him half of his own dinner (finger food fare, just so you know) because he was so entranced. All through the movie it was "Is a cah? Is a cah. Cah!" 'Cah' is how he says car because he doesn't put the 'r' on the end. He sat stone still through the whole thing, back against the edge of the futon, head on the cushion. Every now and again he'd say "Done" and stand up like he was ready to go for his bath finally, but then sit back down and push my hand away. Eating and drinking, Mom? Piffle, more Cars please!

All 3 of us wound up sitting on the floor snarfin down a slaved over take-out meal and watching Cars. It didn't finish until 8:45. Nugget was so tired by bath that his eyes were red and he about fell asleep in my arms during sippy of warm milk and bedtime story; didn't wind up getting into bed until about 9:30. I had some things I'd wanted to get done after he went to bed at his normal time. But screw it all :) I wouldn't change a bit of tonight for anything in the world.

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