Sunday, October 12, 2008

6 Quirks

(Tagged by Carrie)
Definition of a quirk: Noun
1) A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncracy: "Every man has his own quirks and twists." Harriet Beecher Stowe.
2) An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.

Rules: Link the person that tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag a few fellow bloggers to do the same, then leave a comment somewhere on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.

1. I never let the microwave finish..I stop it at 1 or 2 seconds before beeping, then open it. Drives Branden crazy because I never clear it afterwards.

2. I have a Pound Puppy I got when I was like 4 that I still sleep with. It doesn't matter where I am (at home, camping, at our cabin), I have to have him shoved up under one arm.

3. I read in the tub. I won't lie in bed or on the couch...if I get a book, I wait till it's bathtime and then read it while I soak.

4. I don't like it when my food touches. If there is more than one thing on my plate, I have to have each thing separated in its own little pile cause it bothers me if it touches something else.

5. I hate wrinkles. I'll smooth out the bed covers before I climb into bed at night. Each time I or someone else gets off our one sofa, I'll smooth out the wrinkles in the slip cover. OCD? Yeah probably, hehe.

6. I hate getting water in my face. I'll do anything I can not to 'go under' while swimming, and I freak when I get splashed by spray from the shower.

Now that you know how "quirky" I am, I'm gonna tag the following:

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