Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Insert stress here

I'm not a happy camper. Or more accurate really I should say I'm a stressed camper. Branden's company has thrown us another 'fun' situation. They're sending him to Dallas for about a week for some training. Now training's not a bad thing at all....except that they're sending him there in December. Hello. I'm DUE in December. Regardless of what week they actually send him, I could literally go at any point in that month. They've already jipped him out of being able to come to my OB appointments, ok fine whatever, but sending him away during the month his wife's due to give birth to their first? Negatory.

He's been trying to secure another job for about the last 3 months now. We badly need it. We'd really appreciate any prayers or good voodoo vibes that we find that something before December.


Unknown said...

Well hello? Do they not have any brains....or feelings for that matter? People are dumb. I'm sending all the good vibes I can find. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm sending good vibes for you guys! In the meantime talk to Ammon, maybe he knows something about Marketstar hiring.