Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter, a lazy day, and Mr. Gooey Face

Decided we needed an Easter picture. Caden here is chillin on the floor (still in his casts) in his Easter onesie, clearly not an unhappy child.

Here he is a couple days before that. His grandmother (my mom, bless her) has taught my boy how to suck his thumb. But why suck just one, when you can have both at the same time?

A couple of days after his casts came off, it was too warm in the apartment for snuggy clothes, but too cold for the AC. The solution? Bathrobe and bedslippers all afternoon :D That's a true man.

And last but not least, today we gave him his first try of baby cereal. He looked SO SMALL in the high chair! Little runt. So cute though. He was so patient just sitting there watch us get it ready, and then he nommed away. Only got about one out of every 4 mouthfuls actually in and down, but darn it was fun to watch him try.

1 comment:

sellyroo said...

Man, that kid looks like his dad! I'm glad he is free of the casts, YAY!!! I do have to caution you though, once these little boys start eating, they eat and eat and eat and eat....soon you will be eaten out of house and home! I have a few at my house, I know! Crazy enough, those boys are so darn cute, that I am willing to risk house and home for them :) and maybe even have more!! YIKES! Looks like everything is getting better for Caden, which we are happy for!