Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random goofiness

Hadn't posted in a few days, so I thought I'd share some goofy pictures of a week or so ago. We were at a party at Grandma's (Branden's) house and Caden was making us all laugh when he started imitating his Aunt Shantel's (Branden's sister) fishy faces. He thought he was the center of attention...and of course, he was.

And this is (still) what we wake up to every morning. He is the happiest little snot right out of bed..he immediately is full of bounces and giggles and absolutely raring to go for the day. Here he is fresh out of bed, full of life and ready to live it to its baby fullest. How can I not love it?

I love this child so much, some days it feels impossible to contain. I am so absolutely blessed to have him here, crooked as he came out. I love everything about him, and I thank my Heavenly Father daily for the opportunity I've been given to be handed this special, sweet soul to raise. What a show of trust on my Father's part, to make me a mother to him. I hope that I am, and might continue to be, able to do that job the justice my little Nugget deserves. I love you, Monster.

1 comment:

Josh, Melissa and Brynn said...

What a little cutie! I completely agree that the love is almost overwhelming for my baby girl.