After much anticipation and frustrations, little Caden Bradley is finally here. I had just a regular OB appointment on Thursday the 18th, but when we got to it I was contracting, and had been for 2 hours. The OB decided to take Caden that night and told us to be back at the hospital at 7pm. At 8pm they prepped me, and at 9:19pm Caden came into the world weighing 6lbs 9oz and measuring a bitty 18 inches long. Pictures (unfortunately for me because I'm bloated from the fluids they had pumping into me) enlarge when ya click on em. He spent his first day being cuddled and loved and posing for his first photo shoot: His second day chillaxing in his hospital bed, flashin Gang Baby "brutha" signs: When he was awake, he was so alert, so bright eyed. Even at just 3 and a half days old. Here he is all ready to go home on Monday. I had to use 2 of the hospital's blankets to stuff around him on both sides because he was so tiny inside his carseat. You can see here, he's clearly impressed by the process: My mom and dad had cleaned the apartment for me on Sunday, since I didn't get the chance before he was born, and we came home to a little tree set up. And what's a tree without a little present underneath it? He's just hangin out all bundled and comfy in his bouncer, little Santa hat and snowman blanket and all: "Whoooa...what are you gunna do with dat?" is the question going through his head right here, I'm sure of it. Grandma Berrett was over visiting and we gave him his first bath. So there he is. My handsome little circus peanut in the flesh. We've discovered fun things already. Sneezes and hiccups are a good way to make daddy laugh. Some things I thought that couldn't get any bigger, did (and then some!). And he likes to be wrapped in his blankets like a little burrito. He's got some little clubbed feet that will need some casting done to correct (we see the pediatrician on Monday to set that up), but other than that, he's just as perfect as can be.
I'm recovering pretty well, though I've decided the most annoying thing about the c-section is that it's robbed me of my core muscle control, so my back is WAY sore from overcompensating to keep me upright. We're getting ready for Christmas, and will be sure to post most pictures then. Happy Holidays everyone!
Yep, that's right. We got the date at my OB appointment on Thursday. If I don't go on my own before next Thursday (I'm 50% effaced so he thought there could be a chance I would), then the doc's going to take him; we scheduled a C-section for the 20th because baby is stubborn and hasn't turned yet...and probably won't by that time. Little stinker. But he'll get to share Brando's birthday! From now on, B's birthday presents will be the opportunity to put all of Caden's toys together. He's so excited, I know it.
As promised, I took pictures of the nursery now that we've got it all finished and everything set up. The decor was a set from Babies R Us called the Lambs & Ivy, and it's their jungle theme. Super cute. If you want to see detail, the pictures embiggen when clicked on. This is from the doorway looking in. This one is from the window by the bookshelf looking towards the other wall and closet. And this one is from the bookshelf looking back towards the doorway. The little hanging thing on the wall by the door is a little bag that's got a hard bottom and a split opening down the center so you can stack a bunch of diapers inside it. Very convenient. So the room's all done and I have everything else I need (after a great final shopping trip today provided by my older sister to net me a nursing bra (or 3, thanks Leich!) and some bottle liners). Now all we need is baby!
Well, looks like it's pretty certain that we're going to get a before-Christmas baby. Just got home from an OB appointment. My Braxton-Hicks contractions are coming pretty consisent and strong now (at least 10 or 11 in a day, every day) and I've started to thin a bit, but not only that, the little Randall Runt is still breech and my OB says that if he hasn't turned on his own by my next appointment on Thursday the 11th, it's likely he's not going to because he can't (my uterus is a little abnormally shaped, which he said is probably why the baby never turned to begin with). But they won't try and manipulate him, or do what they call a "version" to turn him because this far into the game that procedure puts undue stress on the baby, is just horrifically painful for the mom-to-be, and can cause more complications than it is at all beneficial. So, if he hasn't turned by the 11th then we'll likely end up scheduling a C-section for the next week; we're far enough along that he'll be considered full-term and will be fine. Boggles the mind to think we very well could be welcoming little Caden into this crazy family in just 2 weeks!
This is a cradle we got from Branden's sister, who I think got it from a grandparent. We'll be using it in our bedroom until baby is ready to be in his own crib in his room. It looks pink in the lighting, but the bedding is actually just white with little yellow dots on the bumpers. Aaaaaand as requested, another belly shot. Much to my dismay (and after discovering those stretch marks), this is what I look like at almost 34 weeks. I was on bed-rest earlier in the week because of contractions I had Sunday, and my OB made me laugh when he took me off it on Thursday and said, instead, I'd be on "restricted activity." Hello. Is movement while 8.5 months pregnant normal activity? Had to chuckle. Sigh...are we there yet? hehe
Had my 32 week appointment yesterday. Things are going really well. He's 4lbs now and my OB says he's on track, gaining a half a pound a week, to be right around 7-7.5lbs on his birthday. No new picture this time, he was rather shy so the scan wasn't very clear. He's also a little breech-bum right now, his noggin right up in my diaphragm. Makes breathing and eating rather adventurous. Not that I feel much like eating; not only is he pushin on my tummy, I'm freaking huge! Or feel huge. I've found my first belly stretch marks (sob) and it really is quite impossible to shave my legs. Good thing we're going into winter where I can hide the shag beneath a wardrobe of long pants every day!
Had my 29 week ultrasound today and everything's looking good. Especially my not-so-little-anymore circus peanut :) He's 2.5lbs now and starting to fill out. Look at his cheeks! This scan was awesome. We got to watch him yawn (twice) little yawns and at the end of the second one he promptly stuffed one fist into his mouth. His little nose even scrunched up as he tried to get all his fingers in and then started nomming away at his hand. I think I'm in love.
You can always tell when it's snowed overnight, because you wake up to this total dead silence. 6-7 inches by the time it was all over. Typical Utah winter weather...and we're not even out of October yet! Luckily we're back up into the high 60's by the middle of the week.
(Tagged by Carrie) Definition of a quirk: Noun 1) A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncracy: "Every man has his own quirks and twists." Harriet Beecher Stowe. 2) An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
Rules: Link the person that tagged you. Mention rules on your blog. Tell about 6 quirks of yours. Tag a few fellow bloggers to do the same, then leave a comment somewhere on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.
1. I never let the microwave finish..I stop it at 1 or 2 seconds before beeping, then open it. Drives Branden crazy because I never clear it afterwards.
2. I have a Pound Puppy I got when I was like 4 that I still sleep with. It doesn't matter where I am (at home, camping, at our cabin), I have to have him shoved up under one arm.
3. I read in the tub. I won't lie in bed or on the couch...if I get a book, I wait till it's bathtime and then read it while I soak.
4. I don't like it when my food touches. If there is more than one thing on my plate, I have to have each thing separated in its own little pile cause it bothers me if it touches something else.
5. I hate wrinkles. I'll smooth out the bed covers before I climb into bed at night. Each time I or someone else gets off our one sofa, I'll smooth out the wrinkles in the slip cover. OCD? Yeah probably, hehe.
6. I hate getting water in my face. I'll do anything I can not to 'go under' while swimming, and I freak when I get splashed by spray from the shower.
Now that you know how "quirky" I am, I'm gonna tag the following: ~Heidi ~Jen ~Steph
I was petitioned to do another belly shot. So I did. And I regret it, hehehe. This is me at 28, almost 29 weeks. I feel huge! ... I look huge! And I'm in a pair of Branden's sweats, so the fact I can't wear my own makes me feel even bigger, hehe. But the belly button turkey-timer hasn't popped yet, so I figure I've still got room to grow.
I'm not a happy camper. Or more accurate really I should say I'm a stressed camper. Branden's company has thrown us another 'fun' situation. They're sending him to Dallas for about a week for some training. Now training's not a bad thing at all....except that they're sending him there in December. Hello. I'm DUE in December. Regardless of what week they actually send him, I could literally go at any point in that month. They've already jipped him out of being able to come to my OB appointments, ok fine whatever, but sending him away during the month his wife's due to give birth to their first? Negatory.
He's been trying to secure another job for about the last 3 months now. We badly need it. We'd really appreciate any prayers or good voodoo vibes that we find that something before December.
I'm a huge sucker for the sleeper outfits and beanie hats. My mom knows this, and found this newborn sized (5-9lbs) one early. Of course she couldn't resist. It's made out of that really impossibly soft velur fuzzy type fabric, and the paw print on the foot of the sleeper just kills me.
World, meet Caden Bradley :D I had a targeted ultrasound today, which is just a really in-depth scan where they measure every bone in his body they can find, take a peek at his heart valves, check his spine and kidneys, and all around just make sure he's doing what he should be doing. We also got our first stills of the 4D. And our first profile shots. In this first one he's all wadded into a little ball, with his hands up by his forehead and his feet by his hands. In the one below, he's sucking on one of his hands. You can see his thumbnail there by his little nose, and then he's got his fingers, from pinkie to pointer, shoved in his mouth. He's almost 1 and a half pounds now. My handsome little monster :)
Had a rather unique ultrasound today. Apparently there's some linkages between high-risk pregnancies, which is what mine was labeled for the first almost 16 weeks, and what's called "short cervix". If the cervix is less than like 1.8 inches, it's called "short" cervix, and that can lead to premature labor. I qualified to have a free ultrasound done to measure mine, and I'm happy to report I'm nice and long. I was also petitioned to post a new belly shot. So here I am at 21 weeks (got a new ticker). And yes, this is me officially in maternity pants. Buy-bye zippers! (and actually, that's really nice!!)
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Since this is our family blog, feel free to leave a memory about either of us.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. :)
You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get this image to stay upright instead of flopping back sideways when I'd upload from my photo well. So enjoy it, hehe. Here's a belly picture of me at about 17 weeks :) No hiding it now, I can't even "suck it in" and fake a flat tummy anymore.
Yup! That's right. Had my appointment on Friday, and we gots us a little bitty boy on board :) No real question as to what that "third leg" was this time, hehe. The images don't show it, heh. But WOW. The ultrasound was amazing. We got to see a lot of it in 3D, and holy cow. It was unreal. And actually made this all seem so much MORE real. I really have a little dude in there. We could watch him play with his mouth, his hands up by his face. He wiggled so much this time. He pulled a really cute "gah, too much light!" pose, kind of throwing his hands up in front of his eyes, palms out. And getting so big; about 6.5 inches head to foot, and a whopping 3 ounces. That's my boy. He's on his side facing the camera here, sitting Indian-style and with his hands bunched in fists by his little tummy. His face is kind of down towards his chest, so all ya really get here is a noggin view. He was kind of squashed in this one. He's on his back. His legs are all bunched up over his tummy and chest, his feet almost at his head.
I saw this video on Youtube the other night, and cried. I don't think I've ever laughed and cried happy tears at the same time! Whomever says that animals can't feel and are purely instinctual creatures needs to watch this.
And if you don't believe the's the link to the story: living-room.html
Branden and I got to go down to Provo tonight and see the woman we met while we lived in Washington; she was here for her daughter's wedding. Bashawn "adopted" me the first week we got there, took me in, fed us, mother-hen'd me, and all around took care of me when I was so far away from my own mom. I could not have made it up there without her, and she's proof that the Lord watches out for us at just the times we need. We love you Bashawn!
A few of our own pictures from Leicha's wedding. She looked wonderful, so happy. And the scene was perfect (even the backhoe sitting in the yard next door, hehe).
Yep, 'nother belly picture. Not a huge change, at least from the outside. Baby was SO active this time, we could watch it wiggle and squirm - it was on its back then squished its face to the "camera" then rolled over and gave us a bum shot. Unfortunately I don't have the ultrasound images to go with this, the OB was on his way to a delivery at the end of my appointment so he kinda forgot to pull a still image from the machine. Oh well, next appointment in 2 weeks I'll have one for sure :)
I've reached another blessed milestone - the "morning" sickness is gone. Unfortunately, it's been replaced by insomnia. Lately it doesn't seem to matter how bone tired I am, when I lie down at night my body won't settle, so I end up not sleeping at all. The last 4 nights or so I've been getting about an hour and a half's worth of sleep each night. I've heard that insomnia is normal but normal or not, it's downright annoying.
And I'm not just talking about my belly taking on more shape. This is baby at 11 weeks. And you can actually tell it's a baby now. Its little legs are there on the right as it's lying on its back lounging about. The best part about seeing this much progress from 3 weeks ago? I got to hear the heartbeat :) The doppler was strong enough to pick it up, and it was clear as a bell. Just thumpin' away like a pro. And in about 4-6 more weeks, we should be able to find out whether our little circus peanut is a he or a she.
So we went to the cabin again this weekend. We had great weather for the first 2 days, and on the third, it snowed. The first picture is Branden staring perplexedly at the fire he was trying to make in the firepit outside with winds thwarting his Boy Scout prowess with flame. The second picture was of the snowman we built on Saturday morning. We named him Osgood. He melted within about 3 hours.
So, we've hit a milestone. Today I'm officially 5 days past when the last pregnancy went to pot. This required the first belly picture :) I'm 9 weeks in this. I can't believe I already have a little pouch! Way to go junior! I have another appointment on the 10th, and I can't wait to see how much the little one's developed since my last visit 3 weeks ago. All's going well so far. Now if I could just convince baby to stop making me sick at night!
This was our impromptu mini-vacation up to the family cabin last weekend. There was snow on the ground the first day, but then by that night it was gone. I want to go back!
After some careful thought and some praying, Branden and I decided we needed and wanted to try again. So we did. And here's the result :) I've just come home from an appointment. At 7 weeks, this little one is so much stronger than what the last was at almost 9. The heartbeat was SO clear, and just goin like gangbusters. In the image (it enlarges when clicked on), the left of the top + mark is pointing right at the back of baby's head, and the top of the bottom + is pointing right at baby's heart. If we're destined to meet this one, we will on January 4th :)
It's been a couple of weeks now, and while I knew it would come, the force behind the sorrow reality brings is always a bit surprising. This was miscarriage #3, though with this one, I'd carried for a lot longer than with the other 2. It's startling to realize how many hopes you have, how much love, for a little soul one day you realize you were never destined to meet. Suddenly the dates you'd planned on, the little daydreams, mean nothing anymore. It's nothing I didn't expect and I know it doesn't last, but still...I have to admit...I'm having a pretty hard time.
Branden's boss who heads the Northwest Region of the company, sent this bouquet this afternoon. They're so bright, and it was so thoughtful. Thank you, Bill.
Man, that's such a hard mantra of faith to uphold sometimes. Just a few days after we were able to announce that I was expecting, we have to go back and un-tell the news. Thursday night I started cramping, had some spotting. By midnight the cramps were so extreme I went to Ogden Regional's ER where the bleeding only got worse. We got home around 4 am Friday. At around 6:30 the pain was so severe I couldn't stand up straight and felt faint. I passed an excessive amount of blood and tissue, and then by 7 am the cramping stopped almost entirely. I went in for an emergency visit with my OB at 9 and an ultrasound confirmed what I'd pretty much already guessed by that time - I lost the baby.
It was a clean miscarriage though, and I don't require any procedures to clean out any residual elements of the pregnancy so that's a blessing. For now I'm okay. I think perhaps I'd made peace with things when I realized what was happening. We understand these things happen for reasons. Sometimes, though, I think we wish we could have a peek at those reasons.
Say hello to our little grain of rice with a heartbeat. Branden and I just got home from my doctor's appointment. I'm 8 and a half weeks along. If you look to the right wall inside the 'black hole', the baby is marked (the picture enlarges if you click on it). If things go well, I'll be due on or around the 24th of October!
Branden found this incredible recipe online for chicken & spinach alfredo lasagna. We decided we'd try it out, not realizing until we started jotting down the recipe instructions that the thing would kill us within 4 bites. One of the first ingredients? - 3 cups of heavy cream. Yeah. Obviously this dish should come complete with health disclaimer and defibrillation paddles (but holy crap it was SOOO good!).
More nostalgia. This was November of 2007, at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle the weekend before we moved back to Utah. There was a Kidz Zone and they had a turtle shell you could climb into, and this big rope spider web you could crawl around on. I'm the Black Widow.
Feeling a bit nostalgic. This was a coastal campground Branden and I went to up in Washington during a company camping trip. The sun was behind me, and storm clouds were rolling in over the trees ahead of me. I miss it up there.
Yep that's right, we decided to follow the crowd and make a blog ourselves. Apologies for the minimalistic nature of it right now, I'm trying to understand how everything works still :) This'll be my first real venture into the technological world, so be patient! :D